Official Blog of the Church of the Holy Genesis

"I believe in God, Father Almighty
I believe in Jesus Christ, His Son, our Lord
He was conceived by the Power of the Holy Genesis
And born of the Mother Mary"

-the first lines of our revised Apostle's Creed

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Illusion, And How to Kick It

Shall we admit, finally, what the sufis, buddhists and gnostics before us knew? The world we live in, the Material, is Illusion, maya. We are trapped in a cycle of birth, death, rebirth, called by the people of the Subcontinent, samsara. The Illusion is designed to keep us from breaking that cycle, and ascending to Light, or the real world which is beyond the Illusion.

It is the stated purpose of Satan, the God of This World, to keep us from breaking the cycle, and finding nirvana. Nirvana is described by the Buddhists as "the blowing out of the fires of greed, hate and delusion" (wikipedia article, "nirvana"). It is Oneness with the Most High.

Satan's power lies in his ability to control humanity by pounding people with sufferings such as pain, hunger and disease. Then, he compounds these things by inciting us to fight among ourselves, presenting many temporary remedies for suffering, and making those remedies scarce. We fight wars over fuel and faith, thinking that by defeating our "enemies" we will become free of our sufferings.

"Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: 'I have seen the Lord!'..." -John 20:18

Many of the disciples (some say Peter, some say Thomas, for instance) didn't believe St. Mary when she said this. If even the disciples didn't believe, at least at first, what chance do the rest of us have?

The answer is this: We all have the same chance. Every single one of us can escape samsara. This is how:

Follow the Lord Jesus Christ
Listen to His words, both in the old books, and in your heart
Take good advice, from the ancients and from those around you
Do good works
Love those around you
Be calm and composed
"Do not do what you hate"
When you see suffering, try to help
If you cannot help, don't compound it
Remember: all things are temporary, this will pass

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